“Two days of training with me is enough to make a significant difference in a blind person’s life.”

“The most valuable techniques/tricks and tips I have learned from other blind people. It is a fact that blind people perceive the world differently than sighted people. A few hours of training is enough to enhance the perceptual system and enable somebody to implement clicksonar/echolocation into their everyday life. Two days of training with me is enough to make a significant difference in a blind person’s life. My trainings focus on precision using the senses of not only hearing but also the rest of the senses that we have access to. I have startet training with children ranging from 9 months old to people in their late stages of life. I’ll travel to where I’m invited and I welcome everybody who wants to travel to me.”  – Juan

The picture above shows Juan out in the ocean in Rhodes, Greece on a Stand Up Paddle Board next to a trainer.

“I train blind people to not perform at the expectations that sighted people have for them.
I train blind people to not live life with the expectations that sighted people have for them.
I train blind people to explore their own boundaries and limits and then set their own boundaries and limits.” – Juan

The picture above shows Juan on a Mountain Bike at Elisabethhöhe on Bisamberg in Vienna, Austria.






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